At AVPA, we don’t just do Crestron programming for new homes or for homes that have never had any sort of smart home programming before. We are also able to work on homes with Crestron systems already in place, even if they are older systems. Maybe you had a Crestron system installed in your home years ago and want to update it, or maybe you just moved into a home that has Crestron technology and want to make some changes.
Some Crestron programming companies won’t even touch older systems or systems that were set up by another programmer, and will insist that they need to program a new system from scratch. It’s true that working with an older system or with someone else’s code presents a unique set of challenges, but at AVPA, we are happy to help our customers with existing systems and make those systems compatible with the latest and greatest smart home devices.
To get started, we usually do a code review, which allows us to analyze your system’s compatibility with devices currently on the market. After this initial review, we can come onsite to your home for a more detailed analysis and to find out what you are looking for in a smart home system. After we know what we are dealing with and what your goals are, we can prepare a quote that will outline the scope of the work that needs to be done and give you a cost estimate.
AVPA has been in business as a Crestron programming company since 2001. It’s almost impossible to find a Crestron product that we aren’t familiar with—however old and outdated. We are experienced working on older technology. We’ve even worked with systems that were installed in a home before it had internet access!
Let us bring your home up to date with the latest technology and devices. We have connections with all of the dealers of the best smart home products on the market. We’ll make sure your home has top-notch technology that will serve you well for many years to come.
If you have an existing Crestron system, and would like us to conduct a code review, contact us at AVPA. You might be surprised how much can be done with an older system, and how much money and time you can save by not starting from scratch with a new system.