It’s critically important that we remain a top Crestron and Extron programming resource. So we’re constantly evolving as technology advances and AV systems change. We attend Crestron training annually and are always learning new programming and user interface techniques. At the same time, part of …
Crestron Programming
“Our Code” Book Project to be Re-released Through Maven Publishing
About a year ago, AV Programming Associates President Matthew Grisafe released his self-published book titled Our Code. The book offered a look back at AVPA’s founding and history, highlighting lessons learned in business, as well as insights and anecdotes from working in the AV industry for the …
Investing in Technology to Improve ROI for Law Students
HigherEd TechDecisions quotes Matthew Grisafe in article about law school enrollment challenges HigherEd TechDecisions recently reached out to me for an article that talks about what students are looking for from law schools. The article centers on a rising trend of student disappointment and a …